Wednesday, June 15, 2011


There’s nothing like breaking a nice sweat as you hike your way to way to a remote waterfall surrounded by snow. There’s nothing like taking pictures of spectacular snow powdered mountains illuminated by the slowly setting sun—a view so pristine ,yur brain thinks your eyes are lying. There’s nothing like the walk back to your new, friendly home to have a slice of sweet huckleberry pie with a new friend.

On my first day here I was feeling overwhelmed. I had been jumping around, spending the night at random friend’s places and going-going-going, like I always do, for the week after my return to the states. After my car broke down (when I’ve never had a single problem with it in the 5 years I’ve had it) four hours before I was supposed to make the twelve hour drive to my new summer home, my parents, bless their hearts <3, drove me the whole way just to turn around and drive back. Jesus. I was exhausted (and I bet they are, too). I slept for two hours, ate dinner, slept for two more, unpacked my clothes for an hour or so and finally slipped into a 13 hour coma until the next morning. This was probably a good thing because besides the exhaustion, I felt this overpowering ache for all the friends and family I was leaving behind again. There are just so many wonderful people in my life right now and it feels like I have to wait so long until I see them again all over again. No cell phone service, internet or even a car to get to it can make it a little hard, you know? I feel a little more isolated than I was in Denmark, haha. Buuut, I know it’ll be okay. This is much shorter than my study abroad—only three months. They’ll all be there when I get back. *sigh* I’m gonna make the most of this time too, for sure.

It’s been a few days since then and I’m feeling much better now as you can probably tell by the first paragraph. Everyone is really friendly, my roommate is really laid back, a hardcore hiker and knows her stuff. The beauty of this place is also sinking in and it’s really…. nice. :)I have yet to find anyone that rock climbs and has ropes but I’ve already done a couple hikes, seen some grizzlies (and cubs!), moose, big horned sheep, deer, bunnies, and plenty of ground squirrels. I’m surrounded by mountain after mountain and I can’t wait until the snow clears a bit so I can climb them all!

- Jenn

(Pictures as soon as I can! There's no internet, cell service or electricity right now.)

EDIT: Check dis shieet ooout!

I can't wait to drive down Going to the Sun Road.

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