One random memory I have of my time in Milan was on my first day there. We had just arrived and were sent off to explore the fortress in the center of the city for a little while. I had wandered around with Delayna to take some pictures. I noticed that there were quite a few African men standing around selling "prada" bags and carrying little bracelets around. As we made our way back to meet our class (that actually had left us behind so we had to find our own way to meet them at Il Duomo. It was kind of startling at first, but we did really well because I have travelled alone before and she had a very handy map.) one of the African men handed Delayna and I bracelets. I didn't think anything of at first, just taking it because I was kind of spacing out, but then I suddenly I snapped back into travel mode as he said "it's free for you!". I hurridly grabbed the bracelets out of Delayna's hand and started trying to give them back to the man saying "No no no no no!" as he kept insisting they were free (which they were mostly definitely not) and we should keep them. I literally started cornering him so I could drape the braclets on top of his hand because he absolutely refused to take them back. The whole time Delayna looked really confused because she had never been in this situation before but I ended up just hurrying us away after I managed to quickly drape my bracelet on his hand. What a rush, haha.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Ciao Milano! (Part 3 ;9)
One random memory I have of my time in Milan was on my first day there. We had just arrived and were sent off to explore the fortress in the center of the city for a little while. I had wandered around with Delayna to take some pictures. I noticed that there were quite a few African men standing around selling "prada" bags and carrying little bracelets around. As we made our way back to meet our class (that actually had left us behind so we had to find our own way to meet them at Il Duomo. It was kind of startling at first, but we did really well because I have travelled alone before and she had a very handy map.) one of the African men handed Delayna and I bracelets. I didn't think anything of at first, just taking it because I was kind of spacing out, but then I suddenly I snapped back into travel mode as he said "it's free for you!". I hurridly grabbed the bracelets out of Delayna's hand and started trying to give them back to the man saying "No no no no no!" as he kept insisting they were free (which they were mostly definitely not) and we should keep them. I literally started cornering him so I could drape the braclets on top of his hand because he absolutely refused to take them back. The whole time Delayna looked really confused because she had never been in this situation before but I ended up just hurrying us away after I managed to quickly drape my bracelet on his hand. What a rush, haha.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Ciao Milano! (Part 2 :D)
I did manage to get to know other people in the class besides that group I was stuck with most of the time in Jutland. I just love it when I meet a person that just kind of wants the same things I do. I made buddies with this sweet girl named Delayna. We did a lot of shopping, eating gelato, and walking exploring the towns together while other people just went back to the hotel to nap. (I know we're all exhausted but c'mon! Who knows when we'll be in Italy again! This is incredible!!) This is when we were exploring Milan and Como (a side trip our class took to see the more quaint side of Italy).
These first few picture are mostly exploring Milan:
Delayna in her new real leather Jacket we searched all over for and me in my new shiney jacket that I love! It has one of those secret-inside-the-jacket-pockets that I thought were SO cool when I was a kid:
The Triumphan Arch in Milan:
Beautiful Como where George Clooney owns three villas. OoOoO!:
The whole time I was in Italy I felt like was in this weird "dream within a dream" phase. I mean, I go on this long thing to learn in Denmark and then I go on this shorter thing to learn in Italy and then when I finished I was just going to go back to home-- Copenhagen? It was like my life was on a double pause. It's hard to explain, I guess. I love Denmark and my host family, but it really does feel strange that this place has become my home now. I'm scared of how I might feel when I leave it for good. This thing is already halfway finished! Holy cow!
Anyway, one of the nights whoever arranged the itinerary decided that it would be a great idea send all of us to wine tasting before dinner when we were all starving. First we had a sparkling wine, then a white wine, and then a red wine. They were all delicious and we got lots of refills. Considering the the stumbling, the sudden lack of the comprehension of personal space, and excess shouting and laughing, I'm pretty sure the whole class was a little drunk when we left to go get dinner. It was a good time. :)
Okay, gotta do some more homework now. More soon! :)
- Jenn
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Ciao Milano! (Part 1 O:)
I think I'll start off with the first thing that comes to mind: the flight. This picture doesn't do the view I had of this justice, but it's literally one of the most beautiful things I have EVER seen. We all had to wake up at like 5am for the flight so for most of it we all just passed out. However, towards the end I started to wake up and when I happened to look out the window my breath was literally taken away. There were snow-capped mountains as far as the eye could see. God, I want to climb them all! It was so so incomprehensibly beautiful. Tears filled my eyes at the overwhelming awe I felt. Nature is magnificent! I love it!:
During our time in Milan we had a lot of academic visits planned. However when you're getting hardly any sleep because there's so much to do and you're overstimulated by an entirely new environment, new language, trying to find where you need to eat, sleep, go, learn etc., no matter how interested you are, after sitting down to listen for about five minutes, you are out with the rest of the class. (I felt so ashamed about it, like I was being incredibly rude to this top researchers who were trying to share their valuable knowledge with us, but when I looked around I just felt like laughing at the how much everyone's expressions mirrored my own exhaustion.) I think the only thing I really learned from my academic sessions was that happiness is viewed differently in different cultures. Well that's nice.
We did go to this one place that dealt with alternative healing methods involving positive psychology which used more Eastern views. The school was called Ayurveda...something. You can learn about the theory more here which I will also do when I have the time... One of their treatments involved this giant wooden table where the client would lie down and have warm, scented oils poured onto their forhead in a rhythmic motion. It's supposed to be a very spiritual experience. I'd sure give it a try. The place also had lots of yoga and meditation type therapies.
During one of our days there we went to see the Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci. I had no idea it was in Milan and I was very excited to see it as I've read the Da Vinci Code twice and have heard about all of the "secret" messages it carries endlessly. There were no pictures allowed and the ones online really don't do it justice. The painting is HUGE. 15x30ft about and it was so well-done that it looked almost 3D. Just beautiful. I love the silence that such historically unique things overcome you with. I think the weight of the history and the life behind the hands that created such a large masterpiece just kind of shut you up if you have any comprehension of reality. Yet again, breathtaking.
The final thing that took my breath away was Duomo Di Milano. It's the second largest Catholic cathedral and the largest gothic cathedral in the world and boy is it large. We went to this place a lot because most of the food and shopping was situated around the cathedral area. Everytime I emerged from the subway to see it towering ahead of me in all of its detailed, gigantic glory, I'd be overcome with excitment and awe. Every single time, haha. After much persistance and um... reminding by me, I managed to find time climb to the roof with my buddies and get a wonderful view of the city. It was a wonderful experience.
- Jenn
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I don't know whether I should feel silly or not for how deeply stressed I've begun to realize this is making me. (Not to mention these next two weeks are when all our major group projects and essays are due. Aaah!!) It's just, Japan was my home and over the past month or so, I've really been noticing how much Japanese culture became a part of me in that short year and still is a part of who I am. I love the simplicity of the little things in Denmark that remind me of the familiarity of Japan. For example, we turn the shower on and off just like Japan to conserve water. It's such a simple little thing, but it's... nice. The other night my host mom brought home sushi and I was SO excited. (And the sushi cost like 200 US dollars!! Wtf!? My God, Denmark is really expensive... My host mom got it again a couple nights later too, I couldn't believe it. Granted we were celebrating my host brother's high grades and my host sister's birthday. But still.) I started rambling about the rice, the miso soup, the amazing meals, helping everyone with their chopsticks and even teaching my host mom some Japanese. Man, I was excited, haha.
As I've been learning Danish I've also found myself thinking in Japanese a lot more. And it's the strangest thing because I haven't been there in two years! All of this linguistic stimulation is confusing my brain, especially now that I have a little Italian rolling around in there too, but I find it facsinating how it all mashes together and I can go from saying "ciao" to "onegaishimasu" to "tak" to "okay". I think I actually had a dream in Japanese the other night...
It seems as though every country I go to becomes a little part of me, making me a more complete human being and more connected with the world. Whether it's the little joys of gift giving, peaceful acceptance and support of all people despite the variation of beliefs, or the sweetness of sipping amaretto after dinner.
Anyways, despite all of the challenges I faced while living in Japan, the ease of living in Copenhagen and being abroad (minus the little bout of homesickenss) gives me a lot of appreciation for the experience I gained. I miss you Japan and you're always in my heart! <3
Stories of Milano soon!
- Jenn
Friday, March 4, 2011
Clubbin' et.
This is the coolest bathroom I've EVER seen! I loved it! Talk about dancin' while putting on your make-up! XD I'm also diggin' the unisex bathrooms that are pretty common in Denmark. They amuse me to no end:
This is a pretty popular gay club in Copenhagen will several different rooms and floors called Pan Disco. We came here looking for karaoke but ended up being too distracted by amount of alcohol we'd consumed, the awesome dancing music and this guy. He's got skillz!:
Recently, I've been thinking about running the Columbia Gorge Marathon in October. I've been really itching to run again and I think having a goal like that will be good for me when I go back to Oregon. My knees still have been hurting me though, so I'm going to try and go to the doctor because I plan on running again after I get back from Milan. Just want to make sure there isn't any... terrible damage... >.> I need to run! (More mind orgasms plz!) Seriously, sometimes when I'm walking to/from the train station I just get this urge to start running. Like my whole body is just pushing me forward to do it.
Lastly, I'll leave you with some of that euro-bumpin' music that the U.S. is starting to love so much. This is Medina and you can hear her blaring in all the clubs in Copenhagen right now:
- Jenn
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Pornography and Narwhals.
Also, the other night Magnus (host dog) wanted to go outside and it was about 9 degrees F with the wind chill so kidding around I say "Nooo Magnus! You'll freeze to death!" And my host brother just replies "It's okay, he's a viking." I laughed so hard. It's really interesting how the Viking history is still so integrated into Danish society. They love it and they are still so proud.
It seems like right now all of my classes are piling on the work. I've had two speeches, two midterms, and two papers in the past week and a half. At least I can get it over with before the study tour. MILAN FOR A WEEK BABY!! I'm really excited! Italy just seems so... unique and so full of history (and Italian men ;D). After this trip I think the rest of my program is just going to take off insanely fast. I mean, three weeks after this trip I'm going to Portugal and Czech for a couple weeks and then after a few more weeks the whole thing is over. GOOD LORD! I need to blog more! Aah!! Slooow down life. Slooow down!!
Side note, so this week is the first time I've ever used pornography in an assignment before. As I was printing the picture of a woman smiling down at a large penis at school I felt so awkward, thinking to myself: "...Is this okay??". It's really interesting to see how the gender roles are similar and different from the united states though. For example, pornography (we all had to go find porn magazines around Copenhagen, purchase them and then bring them to class to analyze, compare and contrast): I’m going to be honest and say that I’ve probably seen a fair amount of porn for a female. Most of the American pornography I’ve seen is just… not attractive to me. The women never seem to really be enjoying themselves. They look vacant, angry, vapid, or just completely inhuman. What I immediately noticed in the pornography in class was that in a lot of the pictures, the women were smiling. Smiling! Imagine that! They actually looked like they enjoyed what they were doing. Although I’m not sure how mainstream the magazine I bought was, or if it was actually aimed towards men, I really liked that most of the women inside looked like normal women (even though plenty of women are commonly still "enhanced" in some way). There was quite the variety and they definitely didn’t airbrush as much as they do in American porn (In other words: so they do get razor burn! Hurray!). Either way, as I looked through the other magazine my group brought and caught glimpses of open pages across the room, I did notice a lot of smiling naked ladies. It was kind of hilarious too. Someone holding one of the magazines would raise their hand to contribute to the class discussion and then continue casually flipping the pages filled with pictures of giant, throbbing cocks thrust in to a young womens' joyful faces.
See, she's so happy!:

Here's me freezing to death in front of Rosenborg Castle:
These are the more modern king and queen's crowns. The larger one is the king's of course because the queen's had to perch way up on top of her wig. The king's crown has over 2,000 diamonds on it and that giant saphire on the front is the real deal:

This was the old crown the kings used to use before it went out of style and they decided to make that newer style in the picture above. I personally like this one better, it's so intricate. There's lots of little jewels and statues of birds and goddesses etc on it. Very beautiful:

It was definitely an educational day. My host mom picked me up after work and I completely passed in the car on the way home and was a zombie for the rest of the evening until I went to bed.
And now, I think I'll do just that. Nighty night!
- Jenn