Friday, March 4, 2011

Clubbin' et.

Denmark loves alcohol. In fact they are the country that consumes the most alcohol per a year in all of Europe. I definitely haven't drank this much wine and champagne so... regularly... before. You can purchase alcohol at 16 (any alcohol) and go into bars/clubs at 18. You also can tell that Copenhagen had a pretty wild Friday or Saturday night by the amount of vomit on the streets and in the train stations. I really feel sorry for the person who has to clean that up...

Anywho, I've been so focused on school and getting over my exhaustion/cold that I haven't gone out too much (which will be changing the second I step off of the plane in Milan), but I've definitely had a couple good nights. A while back a bunch of my buddies and I went to the ice bar in Copenhagen. Yes, it's made out of ice. The walls, the bar itself, the glasses and the tables/chairs too. They gave you these big cool looking capes with gloves to keep warm and the place had AMAZING cocktails. Pomegranate, strawberry, peaches-- it was seriously a girly-drink-girl's dream.

Ice Bar - Copenhagen:

This is the coolest bathroom I've EVER seen! I loved it! Talk about dancin' while putting on your make-up! XD I'm also diggin' the unisex bathrooms that are pretty common in Denmark. They amuse me to no end:

This bathroom was complete with none other than a sex toy vending machine (it has anal beads!) Beat that Japan! I couldn't believe it! Hahaha!:

This is a pretty popular gay club in Copenhagen will several different rooms and floors called Pan Disco. We came here looking for karaoke but ended up being too distracted by amount of alcohol we'd consumed, the awesome dancing music and this guy. He's got skillz!:

It was definitely a fun night and I even got to learn the art of negging, an apparently universal pick-up style used by many-a-douche. And it's really an art form! See here: I was waiting for the train and a guy came up and told me that I have the "fourth most beatiful smile" he's ever seen. What? Yes. Fourth. I tried not to laugh too hard as I gave him a fake name, lied about where I'm from, and somehow forgot my new number. >:)

Recently, I've been thinking about running the Columbia Gorge Marathon in October. I've been really itching to run again and I think having a goal like that will be good for me when I go back to Oregon. My knees still have been hurting me though, so I'm going to try and go to the doctor because I plan on running again after I get back from Milan. Just want to make sure there isn't any... terrible damage... >.> I need to run! (More mind orgasms plz!) Seriously, sometimes when I'm walking to/from the train station I just get this urge to start running. Like my whole body is just pushing me forward to do it.

I think the cold has been getting to me lately because over the past week I've felt this heavy weight of homesickness building little by little when I'm stuck inside. I also get frustrated sometimes because I know the life I had before I came here is now over even though I savored every bit of it (and it was so good--not that my life now is bad at all btw). I'm going to have to start everything back up again when I get back which can be... hard... mostly because I know it'll be a lot different. I'm thinking about simply quitting my job and doing another big restart and seeing where life takes me this time, but my job has been pretty good to me thus far so I'm not sure... On wednesday the homesickness was pretty overwhelming for me (and my study abroad textbook has NOTHING on how to handle homesickness! Can you believe that! Sheesh! Good thing I have google, haha.) but I just gave myself some time to breath, practiced piano and did yoga and then I felt a lot better (Okay, okay... and I numbed my brain out with some Glee. Yes, I am ashamed.). I know the people that are meant to be in my life will still be there when I get back and I know a lot of people miss me as much as I miss them. And of course, when I get back I'm going to desperately miss the people I've met here. Poop. Either way, I really do want things to slow down a bit because I can feel this trip being over before I know it. Aah!!

In other news, I'm in love with my pole class. I look forward to it all week. Last week the owner of the studio taught the class and she is the funnest lady. I love the hip hop style she puts into her moves and well, she's just fricken cool! Haha. She also helped me learn the butterfly and one of the girls in the class brought her friend to take pictures so I got one of me doing it too! Yaaay! Maybe I'll be able to do the extended butterfly by the end of this semester!:

Lastly, I'll leave you with some of that euro-bumpin' music that the U.S. is starting to love so much. This is Medina and you can hear her blaring in all the clubs in Copenhagen right now:

- Jenn


  1. take me to the ice bar!!!!!!! lol and omgosh your pole trick is awesome c:
    your having knee pain?
    I have one knee that will hurt after I run too...I hope that's not too bad if I do the marathon with you.
    I think you should do somewhat of a restart when you get back. It will be good for you. You've been in school long enough and have enough experience to get a job that's much better and also something you will thouroughly enjoy c:
    I really miss you :/
    like really, really lol
    but I'm determined to visit you! That's what I remind myself.

    love, love, love, love you!
    leesabobeesa c;

  2. I'm curious about the relaxed sexuality in Denmark. Sex toy dispensers?! :O That's amazing! So is there a lot of public display of sex since it's so casual? I've always wondered that..

  3. Lisa - We'll defintiely go to the Ice Bar! No worries! :) Thanks for all of the encouragment! I really appreciate it. We'll see what happens and I'm glad I'll have that little break to figure things out for a bit before I leave again haha. Yeah, my knees aren't doing so well, so I think I'm going to push this next marathon back a bit, but I'll tell you about that later. You should get your knees checked out too. I really miss you too Lisa!! I can't wait to show you my world! lol I loooove yooou!!!

    Debbie - Yeah! I was so surprised! And yes, nipples aren't the no-no here that they are in the states and it's not uncommon to see them on regular TV and full on thrustin' sex either. Lots of adds have boobies in them as well as men displayed in a more sexual manner too. PDA is a little more open here as well than in the states.

  4. I hope to experience and ice bar someday...and I am definitely a girlie-drink kind of girl. It all looks so amazing. Sorry about your homesickness. I know it's kinda late in the game but I'm sending you lots of anti-homesickness vibes! <3
