Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Den lille havfrue.

A little while back I got nominated as one of the two class representatives for my human trafficking class. This pretty much means I just keep in touch with the professor about things going on with students, if they have problems with the professor etc so issues can be resolved and she can continue to improve her teaching methods. This also means I get to go out to coffee with her twice this semester which I've been really excited about. The more I learn about this subject and social work, the more I feel like I'm starting to figure out what I want to do. You know, there are just so many problems in the world that it's hard to know where to start, but I think we all just have to pick the one to work on that would suit us best in effectiveness and life satisfaction. I've always been wary of social work (tough job, low pay), but I'm starting to feel like this is how I could get involved with other cultures, do therapy and make some sort of difference in people's lives. I don't expect to be some sort of hero... but I could do something.

So today was the first day I got to go have coffee with my professor. I was a little nervous because her knowledge-- or rather-- my lack of knowlege makes me feel intimidated and I didn't want to say something insensitive or stupid. But I really wanted to know how she's doing the work she's doing (I forgot to ask her how she handles it, though. Next time!). After our discussion, I found out that she's simply a lawyer that got a job offer in dealing with human trafficking (which she really knew hardly anything about when she started) and over the years gained the knowledge she has now. Well that's reassuring! I've been planning on volunteering at a women's crisis center when I get back to the states just to dip my toes in and see how I handle such mentally demanding work. Perhaps with the knowledge I'm gaining in this class, I'll already a step ahead-- at least in the signs/symptoms, government protocal areas-- for a future in some kind of social work? Who knows! Either way, it's exciting to finally see how all of the things I've been learning thus far could be possibly be put to use. :)

On Sunday my host mom took me to see the Little Mermaid. It was a lovely sunny day, although it was in the low 20's F. It's been like that for over a week. It seems like everyone wants to talk to me after I've been outside for a while and I end up sounding like I have a speech impediment because I've been breathing through my mouth to keep my nose from running (and it gives me a cold headache--wth??), but then my lips go totally numb and I can't move them to very well to articulate... It's kind of sad... >.> Anyway, it was a nice day and the water around the mermaid was completely frozen so Dorte and I could walk right down to her and get a good picture. I guess that a while back someone cut her head off and it has yet to be found, so her head is much newer than the rest of her.

For anyone who wants to read the original versions of The Little Mermaid by H.C. Anderson, go here: http://hca.gilead.org.il/li_merma.html It's much sadder than the Disney version, but very good.

A while back I also took a trip to Frederiksborg Castle which is probably the most impressive castle in Denmark. It was built for Christian IV and includes a church (Protestant, although it definitely resembles Catholic), fountains (which don't have the original statues because the Swedish invaded back in the day and took them), the usual stuff and a gorgeous ballroom. Fun fact!: Apparently, hundreds of years ago, they would have these huge banquets where people would just eat and eat and eat. These things would last for up to 8 hours, which included the eating for the entire duration. They actually placed buckets and feathers where people were sitting in case you got too full so you could tickle your throat, proceed to puke in the bucket and then continue eating again. Yuck! D:

This is the ballroom (not the dining hall where people puked):

This is my favorite room because of the amazing paintings. My pictures couldn't do them justice. It's the king's private prayer room that overlooks into the church:

And the super cool castle itself:

And on that note, I'm going to bed. Life is good. :)

- Jenn


  1. I think your very hero worthy. why not?
    the puking thing cracks me up and you D: face does so even more hahaha

  2. I read the story of the little mermaid...it was very captivating. Did she live in Denmark? It never said where the story originated. I was kinda wishing at the end she would have gotten what she wanted because she spared him. It worked out okay I guess though. Glad your host family is so much better than those from the past. <3
