Sunday, January 30, 2011


I think I'm finally starting to settle in after two weeks, although I'm still exhausted most of the time. During one of my classes I nearly fell out of my chair because I started falling asleep... whoops. Before I left I was really excited about meeting many new people, going out etc. which I still am of course, but my priorities have really started to shift since classes started. This academic program is just so much better than PSU. On wednesday I went on a field study with my 'psychology of the criminal mind' class to see a man who had been convicted of homicide and finished his time in Denmark's infamous open prison system. I learned about Denmark's rehabilition programs, the way their prison system works and what it's like to begin a new life after being released from prison. It was fascinating.

In my other class, human trafficking, we had to watch the movie Lilya 4-ever. It's about the true story (and they really do stick to the true story) of 16 year old Estonian girl who is abandoned by her mother and sold into prostitution in Sweden. The film does an excellent job of representing the vulnerability and helplessness of people who are trafficked, but it's really hard to watch towards the end. The girl sitting next to me immediately fled the class bawling her eyes out after it finished. I also just finished reading The Road of Lost Innocence by Somaly Mam. I highly recommend looking into both of these. Although they're painful to read/watch, they are raw and show the world as it is --no sugar coating--for millions of women and children. Yes, I said millions. Jesus Christ. There are more people today who are being trafficked than there were during the old slave trade. It's absolutely horrible.

This class is definitely going to be dark one. I can tell that my professor wants us to be deeply affected by the information she's giving us and I already am, but I'm also really excited too. She's going to be giving us the tools to actually do something about it. Finally! We're going to get training in social work. For so long I've been learning about the poverty, oppression, trauma-- whatever--that human beings face, and I've constantly been thinking "What can I do to fix this? What can I do to help? Where do I start?" The only thing I ever hear is that I need to donate money to this or that etc to help the victims, but what about prevention work? I want to know about that and I want to get involved. And I'm very happy to finally have the opportunity to learn how.

Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes. :) I think I'll end this with a little glimpse of some of the delicious food I've been eating so far (especially my host mom's). It's all sooo yummy! I'd totally be jealous. ;P


1 comment:

  1. I had no idea human trafficking was so big...does it happen here in America too? I'm really excited to Netflix the movie, I'll let you know how I feel afterwards =S <3
